"Wait Until I Blow B*tch"

September 23, 2010

The Air Up There One Year Anniversary

The legendary monthly show continues on Sep. 25th...the 1st year Anniversary! We owe a lot to "The Air Up There" and Sheefy Mcfly. Bob's Classic Kicks has been the spot for T.A.U.T. and it has changed our generation of Detroit Hip Hop for ever. It's our spot! And by our...I mean EVERYBODY!!!! Come see the show...it always bangs! :D Plus...were performing!

Sheefy's Commercial...

September 17, 2010

A3C!!! A3C!!! A3C!!!

Ok...so there's this thing called the "A3C Festival" in Atlanta. It's the largest Hip Hop Festival in the Southeast. Described as "a 2 day, 3 night event held annually in Atlanta, GA featuring live performances from some of Hip Hop’s elite artists".... we will be rockin that b*tch :D. We took a trip to Atlanta on May 7th in the Summer time and got some reeeeal important business done and the grind is starting to pay off. We're performing on the opening day of the event, along with a handful of other notable artists; Dom Kennedy and Pac Div just to give you an idea. It's gonna be hard to not be star struck cuz you know were probably the most childish group of men on the planet...but...this...will...be...epic! Oh yeah...#Departure coming soon...

"Wait Until I Blow B*tch"